5 Signs You Have Hernia Mesh Complications

5 Signs You Have Hernia Mesh Complications

Many people don’t know the signs of a hernia mesh complication, but it can be a serious problem. If you notice any of these five symptoms, it’s best to seek medical attention right away.

1. Pain during Urination

Urinary symptoms are a common sign of hernia mesh complications. Urination is already a painful process, but if this pain increases or becomes worse over time, it may be a sign that the mesh has shifted and is disruptive to the attachment within your body. In severe cases, you could have trouble urinating at all because the mesh has become so entangled and difficult. If you experience any painful urination symptoms, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

You may also like Diet After Hernia Surgery: What Foods to Eat After Hernia Repair.

2. Swelling

Swelling around the site of the hernia is another common sign that complications have caused damage to your mesh or its attachment within your body. If these swelling increases, it could be a sign that the mesh has withered. The body’s inflammatory response to the damage caused by the hernia mesh will cause swelling as it attempts to heal itself, but if this swelling doesn’t go away after a week or if it continues to worsen, you should contact your doctor immediately.

3. Mesh Exposure

Another sign that complications have occurred with your hernia mesh is an exposure of the mesh itself. If you notice that your hernia has become more pronounced, especially if it has started to poke through your skin, this could be a sign that the mesh has deteriorated and is beginning to break down. You may also experience sharp pain or tenderness surrounding the area where the hernia protrudes, which is another sign that mesh exposure has occurred. Visit your doctor or someone for a Hernia Repair in Baltimore if you think the previous doctor didn’t do a good job.

4. Infection

Infection is one of the most dangerous complications you can experience as a result of hernia mesh implantation. If an infection occurs, it’s usually caused by bacteria entering the body through the staple line where the mesh was attached to your muscle wall or internal tissue. If you start to experience severe pain or swelling around the site of your mesh, along with redness or warmth in the affected area, this could be a sign that infection has occurred. In some cases, there may also be pus discharge from around the site of your hernia mesh. All signs of infection should be reported immediately to your doctor so they can get you started on treatment.

5. Painful Sex or Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pain and discomfort associated with sex and bladder activity can be a sign of hernia mesh complications. If your mesh has become exposed, it could be putting pressure on the surrounding genital area, which causes pain during activities such as sex or urination. Depending on where your mesh was implanted, you may also experience chronic pelvic pain due to its location.

Pain should never be ignored, so if it’s severe enough to stop what you’re doing, then talk to your doctor about getting an MRI scan done right away! Hope this article was informative.