Getting Ready For Rads | The Dos And Don’ts Of Radiation Therapy In Singapore

Radiation therapy in Singapore is one of the effective treatments to fight cancer. But like any other medical treatment, radiotherapy has a bunch of side effects and complications. Our bodies become extra sensitive to external threats, and a simple wound could impact our health. The best way to mitigate its side effects is to keep your body and overall well-being healthy.

Your radiation oncologist in Singapore may give you vital instructions on how to take care of yourself whilst undergoing the treatment. This article will summarise the care instructions for you!

The Dos and Don’ts During Radiation Therapy In Singapore



DO eat frequently.

It is better to eat small portions of food frequently, advisably six to eight times, instead of three heavy meals in a day.

DON’T eat raw and undercooked food.

If you are a fan of blue rare or rare steak, you might want to remove it from your diet altogether. Eating raw or undercooked food increases the risk of food poisoning.

Be careful with fresh fruits and vegetables as well. Wash, peel, and blanch the fruits and vegetables when eating them.

Radiation therapy in Singapore can suppress your immune system, meaning you have a low defence against food-borne diseases.

DO eat calorie-rich food.

Fatigue and exhaustion are side effects of radiation therapy, so yourradiation doctor in Singapore may recommend you have a calorie-rich diet.

Calories provide you with energy every day. It is also essential in maintaining your weight during the treatment.

DON’T eat salty, fried, and spicy food.

Firstly, salt encourages your body to accumulate and retain more water than usual. Too much fluid in the body interferes with the radiotherapy; worse, it would cause more concerning issues.

Secondly, fried food is packed with free radicals. Free radicals are one of the culprits behind cancer cells. Additionally, they are harder to digest.

Thirdly, spicy food can aggravate side effects of radiation therapy in Singapore, including nausea, diarrhoea or loose stools, constipation, and irritation of the stomach and rectum.

DO stick with soft and liquid food.

If you are receiving radiation therapy near or around the neck area, you may start to develop sores in the mouth. You may also experience irritation in the mouth, throat, and gums, making it harder to chew and swallow food.

YourMount Elizabeth radiation doctormay advise you to stick with liquid and soft food, such as soup and fruit and vegetable smoothies.



Skincare is crucial in radiation therapy in Singapore, especially in external radiotherapy.

DO stock up a supply of moisturisers.

Your skin, especially around the targeted area, will become dry. Sometimes rashes may develop. Gentle and unscented moisturisers help soothe your burning skin. However, avoid using aloe vera-based moisturisers.

DON’T use creams, lotions, or deodorants on the affected area.

The chemicals and fragrances in lotion and creams can irritate the already irritated skin. Stick with gentle and unscented moisturisers. Ask your radiation oncologist in Singaporefor moisturiser recommendations.

DO wash your skin.

Gently wash the affected skin using lukewarm water and gentle soap. Pat the skin dry using a clean and soft towel instead of rubbing or wiping the skin dry.

DON’T wax, pluck and shave the hair in the affected skin.

The skin in the treatment area is extra sensitive. Waxing, plucking, and shaving the body hair in the affected area can be painful. Additionally, it can wound the skin, which must be avoided during radiation therapy in Singapore.

DO avoid extreme temperatures.

Avoid applying things with extreme temperatures, such as ice, ice pack, heat pads, and hot water bottles, on the affected skin. These can irritate and burn sensitive skin. Ask yourMount Elizabeth radiation doctor for more instructions.

DON’T wear tight clothing.

Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing. The skin rubs against the garment, causing irritation and burns. Choose loose clothing with soft and light fabrics.

DO raise your concern.

Sometimes, skin sores are inevitable during radiotherapy. Inform yourradiation doctor in Singaporeimmediately if you experience this.


DO stay active.

You don’t have to perform rigorous exercises. Remember, you may feel weak after your radiation therapy in Singapore, but the key is staying active. Walking around the house and doing a few stretches and gentle aerobics will improve your blood circulation. Your muscles and organs get the nutrients and oxygen supply when the blood circulates properly.

DON’T stay late at night.

You may feel exhausted after your therapy. Do take plenty of rest and avoid staying late at night. Sleeping late weakens your immune system.

DO practise proper hygiene.

Since your immune system is lower than usual when receivingradiation therapy in Singapore, you are more prone to infection.

Washing your hands regularly and using clean utensils and other essentials keep viruses and bacteria away.

DON’T stay in crowded places.

Transmission of viruses and bacteria is faster and more common in crowded places. As much as possible, avoid crowded areas. Wear a face mask and sanitise your hands from time to time if inevitable.

DO take your medication and attend checkups.

It is vital to take your medication as instructed by your doctor and attend follow up checkups. Skipping your medication and appointment with your radiation oncologist in Singaporeaffects your treatment progress.

DON’T be shy to get help and support.

Battling cancer is not easy. It is physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially draining. There is nothing wrong with asking for moral and emotional support. It is advisable to attend counselling or have a solid support system around you.

Furthermore, it is not embarrassing to ask for financial support to cover the radiotherapy cost in Singapore.


Undergoing radiotherapy is not easy. There are tons of dos and don’ts to follow. Remember, a healthy body and a positive outlook and thinking about the treatment contribute largely to your fight against cancer.

If you want to learn more about keeping your well-being healthy, you should ask the best source of information– your radiation doctor in Singapore.

Dr Johann Tang – Radiation Oncologist Singapore

Learn more about radiotherapy at Dr Johann Tang – Radiation Oncologist Singapore.