Are you thinking about bariatric surgery? This is a great decision and one that will change your life. However, before the procedure, there are some things to think about in terms of your diet. What will be your pre bariatric surgery diet? The post will provide information on what a person’s diet should look like before their surgical date.
What you can eat before bariatric surgery
It can help you make better and more informed decisions about your food choices before the surgery so that you can maintain a healthier weight after the procedure.
Allow yourself to feel hungry when appropriate. Try not to tell yourself that you’re not really hungry or force yourself to eat for the sake of eating. As long as you are using common sense and eating healthily, you will not feel overly hungry. For example, if you normally eat breakfast at 8 AM, try having it a little later in the morning rather than sooner. Also make sure that your meals are balanced with protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
Because eating habits change so much after bariatric surgery, everything from your tastes to how you chew changes. For this reason, having a solid diet before weight loss surgery is extremely valuable. It can help you maintain a healthy weight even after the procedure and reduce the chances that you will have health problems related to obesity or other conditions.
What food to avoid before bariatric surgery
1. Food that is difficult to chew
Some foods require a lot of work for your mouth and stomach. Many obese people have problems with chewing because their jaws are weak or they simply eat too fast. This can make it harder to digest certain types of food even before the surgery, and this will become more pronounced after the procedure as well.
In addition, the hormonal changes that occur after losing weight can be a factor as you adjust to your new body. It is recommended that you avoid foods that are difficult to digest such as steak, sausages and nuts before bariatric surgery to reduce pain and ensure better digestion even after the procedure.
If you have health problems related to chewing intolerance, it can be even more important to discuss this with your doctor.
2. Food that is spicy or has a lot of hot sauce
If you like spicy food, it might seem counterintuitive to avoid it before bariatric surgery. However, if you have never tried to eat very spicy foods and then suddenly load up on them after the procedure, you might find your digestive system does not take well to it. If you are going through the procedure, try to keep the spice at a minimum and ease yourself into it.
This is particularly true for chili peppers because they can irritate your stomach more so than other spices or food products. In addition, hot sauce can make you feel uncomfortable after the procedure for the same reason.
If you are going through bariatric surgery and have never tried spicy food before, it may be worth your while to give non-spicy foods a chance before undergoing the operation to avoid any stomach cramping or other problems. This will help you get accustomed to eating in general as well as accustoming your body to spicy ingredients before the operation.
3. Melons, especially watermelons
Many people love melon and eat it quite often, but this is not something you should have in the days leading up to bariatric surgery. This type of food can cause inflammation in your digestive tract and make you feel bloated or gassy after the procedure. Therefore, watermelons should be avoided until your body adjusts to the new acids in it. Therefore, don’t include then in your before bariatric surgery diet.
If you really want to have melon before surgery, you may choose a smaller variety that is lower on the glycaemic index and take it in moderation. It will also aid in digestion for your body if you eat it earlier rather than later in the day.
4. Salad dressing, without a doctor’s okay
Many people make salads for lunch or dinner every day, but this is something you may need to avoid before surgery if you want your body to adjust quickly after it. This is because many salad dressings are high in fat and can cause digestive problems after bariatric surgery. In addition, you may find that your body does not process certain foods as well after losing weight and this can cause you to feel uncomfortable with some salad dressings.
Many people have never tried low-fat dressing or even reduced their consumption of regular dressing before surgery. If you want to make sure the procedure goes smoothly for you, try to avoid dressing and stick with vinegar or lemon juice before the operation.
This will make it easier to adapt to eating salad again after surgery and help you get the nutrients you need without feeling bloated too much of the time. 5. High fibre foods, depending on your age Eating high fibre foods such as nuts, beans or prunes is normally quite healthy, but this is not something you should do before bariatric surgery if you are a younger patient. There are two reasons for this: first, the high fibre foods can cause bloating and abdominal pain after the procedure. Second, a lot of these food products are difficult to digest on their own even when healthy people eat them.
If you are at least 40 years old and have gone through menopause, you can try these foods earlier on. However, if you are younger than this when going through the surgery it is better to wait until you are a bit older before eating high fibre foods that may upset your stomach.
6. Alcoholic beverages
If you like alcoholic beverages, it is best to wait a while before drinking them after bariatric surgery. This is because alcohol can cause stomach irritation or problems in the digestive tract for some people after weight loss surgery. One of the reasons this occurs is that alcohol has low nutritional value and boosts blood sugar levels when consumed.
If you have never tried to drink alcohol before, it is a good idea to wait until you are more comfortable eating before you start drinking. This will help your body adjust and accept the changes better. In addition, you may be able to find an alcoholic beverage that is low in calories for easier digestion if this is something you want to try after surgery.
In general, it is a good idea to avoid alcohol until your body is completely adjusted to the weight loss and you are eating normally again.