Which Is Better as Anti-Ageing Treatment HIFU or Thread Lift?

When it comes to non-invasive anti-ageing facial treatments, HIFU treatment and Thread Lift treatment is among the most talked-about options. In this article, we will take a closer look at these two facial treatments to know which one will work best for every individual.

HIFU and Thread lift are facial treatments known to combat the effects of ageing. Thus, we will first look at the effects of ageing on our skin to better understand the two treatments.

How Ageing Affects Our Skin?

There are many changes that take place on our skin as we age. Contrary to the popular notion that skin changes naturally due to ageing, it is actually the outside forces that are often the cause. With ageing comes a prolonged exposure to various elements that can affect our skin. Therefore, it can go without saying that the length of time we are exposed to these harsh elements is the most important factor in the changes our skin went through. You might be wondering what elements trigger the changes in our skin as we age, they are as follows:

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Do you smoke? If yes, how long have you been smoking? This habit has a very bad effect on our body even in a short exposure. Thus, if you have been smoking for quite a long time, you could only imagine the damages it already inflicted on your system. Among the parts of the body that suffer a lot due to smoking is the skin. It is typically observed from most smokers’ body that discolourations happen especially on areas near the lips and nose, and endings like the fingertips and soles of the feet. The skin also tends to go dry with prolonged smoking. This is due to the deteriorating of cells as harmful chemicals like nicotine invades our system.


Photoaging is the term used to describe the sun’s effect on the skin as one grows older. The UV rays from the sun damage elastin fibres in the skin over time. The skin sags stretches and loses its ability to recede after stretching due to the breakdown of elastin fibres. The skin is also more prone to bruises and tears, and it takes longer to recover. So, though sun damage may not be visible when you’re young, it will become apparent as you become older.

Habitual Facial Movement

Since elastin breaks down due to UV rays, frequent facial movements like smiling and frowning can carve lines. When the skin loses its suppleness, especially when people approach their thirties, facial movement lines become more noticeable. Horizontal lines on the forehead, vertical lines on the skin above the root of the nose, and thin curved lines on the temples, upper cheekbones, and around the lips are all examples of lines caused by facial movement and lack of elastin.

When we are being exposed to those conditions listed above as we grow older, the skin in our face from wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. It is also noticeable that the skin sags. These signs of ageing are the common insecurities of women as they reach their late thirties. While they are all natural occurrences, we do not want them to define our looks. Luckily, many anti-ageing facial treatments are now available to keep our skin youthful.

Types of Anti-ageing Facial Treatments


With the abundance of anti-ageing treatments available in Singapore today, it is important to know which one will work best for you. There are as many factors to consider as the number of treatments. Therefore, understanding each type and the associated factors is essential to make the right decision.

Skin Care Facial Treatment

When we talk about facial treatments for anti-ageing we almost always think of surgical and clinical treatment. We often forget that there are various anti-ageing treatments that you can do at home, by yourself, and do not require an appointment at your aesthetic clinic. These means involve skincare products like rejuvenating creams, serums, facial wash, and sometimes food supplements. Skincare facial treatment for anti-ageing also includes stress management, adequate sleep, and a proper diet.

Surgical Facial Treatment

The goal of surgical facial treatment is to improve the appearance of facial features. Facelifts, reconstruction, botox, implants, liposuction, and surgeries to treat facial wrinkles are all common operations.

Non-invasive Facial Treatment

The term “non-invasive” refers to a process in which medical devices do not penetrate the skin. Non-invasive facial treatments usually entail the use of an external device or in some cases light or radioactive energy to help promote the body’s rejuvenation.

Since there are benefits and drawbacks to using either of these methods, you should carefully decide which treatment you prefer.

HIFU and Face thread lift fall under the non-invasive category. They do not require surgery and have a shorter recovery time compared to surgical treatments. If you are thinking of getting any of the two treatment for anti-ageing, here’s what you need to know about them:

What is Thread Lift Treatment?


A thread lift involves lifting and repositioning the skin with a thread put just beneath the surface.  The procedure has been popular for quite some time now and in recent years, threads that need not be removed from the skin have been developed. The firming of the skin of the face is the initial effect of a thread lift. The threads are absorbed directly over time, and fresh collagen formation is promoted, helping to improve the skin’s youthful firmness.

Recovery and Possible Side Effects

The majority of your normal activities can usually be resumed right after the treatment. However, while recovering, it is advised to avoid arduous tasks, as well as wearing cosmetics to avoid infection and inflammation.

In the first week following the face thread lift procedure, you may notice swelling on your skin. Stiffness in the face may also be felt. Skin stiffness is frequent, though it rarely causes discomfort.

How long will the effects last?

The collagen stimulation of the thread lift treatment produces the immediate effect, with incremental improvements two to six months after. The effects of the procedure can last between 12 and 18 months. Some factors like genetics and external conditions including smoking, photoaging and diet can affect the length of the effects.

What is HIFU treatment?


High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a new facial therapy for anti-ageing and skin tightening that is considered a non-invasive and relatively painless alternative to surgical facelifts. It employs ultrasonic waves to stimulate collagen production, resulting in tighter skin.

Recovery and Possible Side Effects

There may be some redness or swelling after a HIFU facial treatment, but it should go away after a few days. The treated area may experience a pricking sensation. Temporary numbness or soreness are possible side effects, although they normally fade away as your skin recovers.

Hot baths and steams must be avoided while recovering to avoid swelling. It is also recommended to avoid sun exposure. Exfoliating cleansers and other drugs or food that may cause skin irritation must also be avoided.

How long will the effects last?

HIFU treatment should be continuous to achieve a good result. Although some people reported a desirable effect after 3 to 6 months, your aesthetic specialist will advise you to have several sessions more to make the effects long-lasting.

We have tried to cover what you need to know about the two facial treatments here. However, we are constantly reminding our patients to visit an aesthetic clinic in Singapore for more information and better skin diagnosis.